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Episode 218 | How To Own Your Awesome – With DrStephanie Estima

Overcoming Misconceptions About Your Body, To Live Your Best Life.
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This season, we are tackling conversations that are so important, and frankly, are just not talked about enough. 

Have you ever heard that you were too much? Or too loud, or too bossy?

I was told that… and those traits led me to an 8 figure business.

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Dr Stephanie Estima was also told she was too much… and she is now a leader in changing the narrative around health, fitness, sex, intimacy, longevity, parenting, mindset, and pursuing excellence.

Dr Stephanie Estima challenges women to understand our bodies, and to understand the science to best achieve a healthier relationship with your mind, body, relationships, sex life, and family life. 

Tune into this episode, and dip your toes into the wealth of knowledge that Dr Stephanie Estima provides. She combines modern science with ancient wisdom to empower women’s health and healing. 

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Stephanie’s book, The Betty Body, HERE!

More About Dr Stephanie Estima:

Dr. Stephanie is a doctor of chiropractic with a special interest in metabolism, body composition, functional neurology, and female physiology.

She’s been featured on Thrive Global, of the Huffington Post, has over 3.5 million article reads on Medium.com and has helped thousands of women lose weight, regulate hormones, and get off medications with her signature program, The Estima Diet. You can hear her every week on her podcast, Better! With Dr. Stephanie.

Dr. Stephanie is changing the conversation around health, fitness, sex, intimacy, longevity, parenting, mindset, and pursuing excellence. 

Her life’s passion and mission is blending modern science with ancient wisdom to empower women’s health and healing.

You can connect with her on her Instagram!

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Listen to Episode 218 below:

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What We Talk About In This Episode:

  • What is a “Betty”
  • Menopause 
  • Menstruation 
  • How To Listen To Your Body
  • Living Your Fullest Life
  • Self Acceptance Work 
  • Being Authentic
  • Macronutrient Composition 
  • Paying Attention To Your Menstrual Cycle
  • Negativity Bias
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Things We Mention In This Episode:

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Here’s How To Subscribe & Leave A Review (pretty-please):

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you feel like you are stuck with a particular business idea, or are you fluid as things change? Have you been through a personal transformation that affected your business? I would love to hear all about it and I’m sure others would too. Comment below and share your story or visit me on Instagram which is currently my favourite way to connect. 

You can also join my free online community to connect with more than 16,000 other health practitioners just like you to ask questions, share wins and struggles and get lots of support from me and my team! I hope to see you there.

… did you know that we make a donation on behalf of every special guest that we have on The Business of Becoming? Today’s donation is going to The Canadian Centre To End Human Trafficking.  


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