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Episode 234 – Turning Interest And Passion Into A Program

Do Not Let Education Get In The Way Of Your Success

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Speaking to Jan brought out my happy tears. 

Oftentimes I find myself in deep conversations with clients about inspiration. 

Clients look to me for inspiration and they don’t realize that I am being inspired by them right back. 

I am only as successful as my clients. My team is only as successful as our clients are. 

Client success is why we do what we do, and it is our biggest goal and priority as a company. 

So hearing Jan’s success, and her development and growth throughout the 10K Success System brought out all the happy tears.

Jan came to us highly educated and filled with ideas and a burning passion to change lives. 

She embodies the motto of trusting your gut, and leading with instincts. 

The one thing that Jan was missing was the structure and knowledge of how to put her company together in a way that all of her passions and interests could form the perfect signature program. 

Her fire, her passion, and her knowledge is why her clients love her. 

.. and we are so honored to have been able to help her create that structure and the platform from which she can operate from.

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More on Jan Toles:

Hi I’m Jan Toles! I’m an Integrative Nutritionist, a Certified Health Coach and the founder of The A1c Mastery Plan! 

I’ve had a ‘sweet tooth’ since my youth but when Prediabetes was stamped on my medical record, I knew I had to do something before I joined those family members of mine that are Type 2. Learning where my cravings came from and how I could control and satisfy them without sabotaging my health any further was a true win-win situation! I’m excited to share the tools needed to help kick cravings to the curb!   
You can connect with Jan on her Instagram  and access her free information package: “How to Satisfy Cravings w/o Sabotaging Blood Sugar!

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Listen to Episode 234 below:

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Here’s How To Subscribe & Leave A Review (pretty-please):

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you feel like you are stuck with a particular business idea, or are you fluid as things change? Have you been through a personal transformation that affected your business? I would love to hear all about it and I’m sure others would too. Comment below and share your story or visit me on Instagram which is currently my favourite way to connect. 

You can also join my free online community to connect with more than 38,000 other health practitioners just like you to ask questions, share wins and struggles and get lots of support from me and my team! I hope to see you there.


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