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Episode 243: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Practitioners And Coaches Make

Are You Making These Mistakes In Your Practice?

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Today we are talking about the top mistakes that practitioners and coaches make, and how you can avoid them. 

Laura Wood, CRO of The Wellness Business Hub and co host on the L&L Morning Show, joins me to dish the mistakes that we see clients make, but that we have also made ourselves as well. 

… But we don’t stop there. We are here to give you all the remedies to these mistakes, and how to avoid them in the first place. 

Want to hear more?

Join us every Monday and Thursday where we go LIVE in the L&L Morning Show over in the Take Your Health Practice Online FB group. 

You can also follow us both over on insta:

Laura Wood – @lauraamberwood

Lori Kennedy – @lorikennedyinc

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Listen to Episode 243 below:

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Here’s How To Subscribe & Leave A Review (pretty-please):

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you feel like you are stuck with a particular business idea, or are you fluid as things change? Have you been through a personal transformation that affected your business? I would love to hear all about it and I’m sure others would too. Comment below and share your story or visit me on Instagram which is currently my favorite way to connect. 

You can also join my free online community to connect with more than 45,000 other health practitioners just like you to ask questions, share wins and struggles and get lots of support from me and my team! I hope to see you there.


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