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A Beginner’s Journey To Success
A Beginner’s Journey To Success

I am thrilled to be speaking with Tonya today as I adhere to the belief that “you can’t model what you don’t see”. We are often bombarded with advertisements, testimonials, and success stories from coaches, but we rarely see what it takes to begin from scratch and the required mindsets.

This conversation will be ideal for those of you who wish to embark on a new venture, make a transition online, or are starting out on your own journey. If you are feeling overwhelmed or indecisive, this conversation will likely resonate with you. We will explore the steps and necessary mindsets to start from scratch and achieve success.


[02:09] How Tonya Overcame Anxiety and Finding Purpose through Holistic Health

[07:00] Ask Yourself: What’s my Purpose?

[18:19] Aha Moments as a Beginning Online Entrepreneur

[23:01] Self-Discovery Through Personal Growth


Tonya is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Nutritionist, and  Yoga/Meditation teacher. After years of struggling with anxiety herself, she knew she had to change course and spent years studying natural ways to alleviate anxiety. She now proudly offers a program called “Anxious Mind Mastery” where she helps others alleviate anxiety in a natural and holistic way, so they too can experience confidence, peace, and a joy-filled life with purpose.

Donation: Brothers Helping Brothers – https://www.brothershelpingbrothers.org/

CTA: Free meditation downloads and Masterclass

CTA URL: www.IlluminateMindBodyHealth.com

Social Media Links: 

Instagram – @tonya_baise

Donation: Victory Project – https://www.victoryproject.org


  • Join Zero To Clients – The most personalized business coaching program for new practitioners and coaches who want to bottle their brilliance and go from zero to clients in 6 months or less.
  • Book a FREE Mentorship Call – Book a call so we can assess where you’re at and what your needs are
  • Access the FREE Course for Practitioners & Coaches – The 4 Simple Steps to Create & Fill Your First Online Coaching Program (w/o an email list, social media following, or tech know-how)

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