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The Success Formula for Building a Thriving Therapy Practice
The Success Formula for Building a Thriving Therapy Practice

In this podcast, Nicole and I will explore the key components that contribute to building a successful and thriving therapy practice. We will cover how to manage and optimize systems; common challenges businesses face when trying to systemize everything; building and leading a winning team; investing in the right people; the transition from clinical practice to entrepreneurship; and, how reverence as a business practice works.

We will provide you with the formula, valuable insights, and practical tips for building a successful and thriving therapy practice, whether you are just starting out as a clinical practitioner or looking to grow and expand your existing practice.


(06:07) – Systematize Everything

(11:41) -Struggles of Leading a Team

(14:21) – Treat Your Business as a Business

(20:04) – The Big Identity Shift

(24:23) – Reverence as a Business Practice


Nicole is a Psychologist turned Business Coach for therapists scaling to a group practice. After expanding her private practice to 55 therapists and multiple 7 figures in 3 years, she now helps therapists do the same following her proven method.\

Donation: Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto – https://www.sickkids.ca/en/support-sickkids/donate

CTA: The First 3 Steps: Expand Your Practice Starter Kit

CTA URL: https://members.mccancemethod.com/discover-how-to-expand-your-psychotherapy-practice-in-3-easy-steps

Social Media Links: 

IG – https://www.instagram.com/nicole.mccancemethod/

Website URL: https://mccancemethod.com


  • Join Zero To Clients – The most personalized business coaching program for new practitioners and coaches who want to bottle their brilliance and go from zero to clients in 6 months or less.
  • Book a FREE Mentorship Call – Book a call so we can assess where you’re at and what your needs are
  • Access the FREE Course for Practitioners & Coaches – The 4 Simple Steps to Create & Fill Your First Online Coaching Program (w/o an email list, social media following, or tech know-how)

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