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Build Rapport By Sharing Your Story

Are you keeping your truth to yourself? Your experiences, stories, truths and perspective are lessons to be learned by you and then shared with others.

“I launched a New York Times best-selling book while my son was in the ICU fighting for his life. I set up shop. I had one million dollars invested. What else could I do?”

When I first heard JJ Virgin tell the story of how she healed her son, went against many doctors’ orders to give him his doses of EPA/DHA and other supplements, and also launched her first New York Times best-selling book from his hospital room I thought… badass lady boss.

I’ve heard her tell HER STORY many, many times since that first interview. And every time I heard it, I gained more and more respect for her. As a mother I can’t even begin to imagine what that must have been like.

JJ has said that thousands upon thousands of people have reached out to her thanking her for sharing her story.

Her story matters because there is a lesson to be learned from her experiences.

She could have kept that side of her life private. She didn’t have to share what was likely one of the most painful and stressful times in her entire life. But she did because she knew her story would help others put their own stories into perspective.

You have a story.

Maybe it’s not as dramatic as JJ’s, but it’s just as meaningful and relevant.

Are you keeping your powerful truth to yourself?

It’s our responsibility to share experiences, stories, and truths… because you never know who needs to hear them.

On February 24th 2014, about an hour after I got off the phone with my grandmother, I got a call she was being rushed to the hospital. My parents were in Florida. It was touch and go for a while and she was released from the hospital a few weeks later.

The Wellness Business Summit was March 6th. In between those two weeks, I spent most days in the hospital and Bryan and my son both had the stomach flu. We weren’t sure if Bryan was even going to make it to The Summit.

All I could think about was JJ Virgin launching her New York Times bestseller from her son’s hospital room. If she could do it then I could do it. My situation wasn’t even comparable.

If she could do it… I can keep my shit together.
If she could do it… I can keep my shit together.
If she could do it… I can keep my shit together.

That’s the power of sharing your story… you never know who needs to hear it.

Your experiences, stories, truths, and perspective are lessons to be learned by you and then shared with others.

Replace the mindset voice that says, “Who would want to know about this?” or “Why would anyone care?” with, “I believe someone will learn from this!” or “Maybe this experience will help someone else going through the same thing!”

Stories unite us. Stories heal. Stories hold power.

And I bet the next time you are going through something stressful in your own life you will remember this story and think:

If she could do it… I can keep my shit together.

What have you experienced that you think someone could learn from? Share it in the comments below. I’d love to hear your story.

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